Friday, October 28, 2011

Remembering the Forgotten

A nun gave me a card with this prayer during the Holy Week a few years back. Soon after, I started saying the prayer daily. I would like to think that, in doing so, I am able to help ease, aid, or maybe even hasten the passage of souls into heaven -- especially those for whom prayers are no longer said.

In May last year, my husband revealed that he had had a sighting -- a ghost sighting, that is -- of a woman and a child in the centuries-old apartment where we had been staying in Krakow. They looked, he said, as though they were asking for help.

That got me thinking... Maybe I should make special mention of them whenever I say the prayer for forgotten souls. So I did.

Months later, I just had this strong sense that it was okay to stop praying for them, that somehow they had moved on to a better place and were finally enjoying the peace that had evaded them for so long. I have no way of verifying that, of course. But by faith, I believe it to be true.

Today I share the prayer with you in the hope that you will take time to say it -- for the many lost, restless and forgotten souls who continue to yearn for everlasting repose. The prayer won't take a minute, but I am certain its fruits will reverberate into eternity.

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