This blog is a product of my personal (and continuing) search for my sweet spot. Unless otherwise stated, the opinions, articles, and stories contained here are purely my own. As such, I take sole responsibility for them. In publishing my blog, I intend merely to share my own thoughts and learnings from my own experiences. I do not intend to do harm or to malign any group, individual, or thing.
Since change is constant, I make no claims about the accuracy, completeness, validity, veracity, and suitability of the contents of this blog. As such, I will not be liable for any losses, damages, or injuries arising from the use of any of the information contained here.
This blog contains links to other sites for whose contents I am not responsible. In addition, the ads featured in this blog do not reflect my approval or endorsement of any views they express and any products or services they offer.
While comments are welcome and even encouraged, I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever, but especially those I consider tasteless, insulting, abusive, profane, or rude. I also reserve the right to delete off-topic comments, spam, and marketing messages. In addition, I am not responsible for the content in comments other than those I myself have made.