Lent is a good time to take a vacation from self-satisfaction.
Contentment comes from counting your blessings instead of others'.
Delay your gratification but never your gratitude.
Every person is a promise waiting to be fulfilled. -- Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle
Death is not a taker-away but a giver of meaning. ... Because as you struggle with the mystery of your death, you will discover the meaning of your life. -- M. Scott Peck
There is no surer formula for discontent than to try to satisfy our craving for Infinite Love from the teacup of finite satisfactions. -- Bishop Fulton Sheen
The less we have, the more we give. Seems absurd, but it's the logic of love. -- Mother Teresa
Earthly goods should lead us to the Ultimate Good.
Be yourself; everyone else is taken. -- Oscar Wilde
Joy begins with a grateful heart.